Zebra Striped Saber Cat


It’s habitat is the grass land.It digs a cave.It can’t hurt the paw becsuse it has soft fluffy strong layers of crisco. It protects self by giving sighs like it sticks it fur on the end that means go away.When its stops its not going to attack.It is 6 foot like a door.and 20 killometors long.Its only a meat eater.It has a very short tail.It will only bite.It can not claw because it has to much fur on its paw.It weighs 9,000 pounds you would have a problem carrying it.It can have 20 babys.A male find food and the female whaches it young.The only things they have to fear is water buffols.those water buffols are able to knock the zebra striped saber cat down stomp on them.It can not kill it but it can injurge it really bad.They can potect their eyes by have their long ears cover them whe they get stomp on.The water buffol cant hurt the thi. It has a very very very very very very very strong thi.It baby it called a shadow shifter. when a baby zebra striped saber cat is born its called a shadow shifter because its has a very super dark black and it super hard to see it in the dark.The mother can only see its baby because she has night vision.she has a weird night vision.The saber cat male or female  has to have a partner  to live.They are the 2ed fastest animal in the world.

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